
Axis Pranoto Kusumonegoro, S.SOS., SH


Diploma IV (D-IV/S1) :

Faculty of Law, Univercity of Indonesia.

Diploma IV (D-IV/S1) :

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science,  Univercity of Indonesia.

Length of work

20 th

(Tax Lawyer, Legal Power in the Tax Court)

8 th

(PT. IGTax Ekuseru Indonesia)

8 th

Managing Partner
(T-Plan Tax Consulting)

4 th

Executive Producer
(Happening Films)

Work Experience

2004 - Present

Assistance/mentoring and resolution of Tax disputes for the Company. (Legal Power in the Tax Court)

2016 - Present

Commissioner (PT. IGTax Ekuseru Indonesia)

2015 - Present

Managing Partner (T-Plan Tax Consulting Firm)

2020 - Present

Executive Producer (Happening Films)

Professional License

Department of Finance Financial Education and Training Agency Certificate Registration (BPLK) number: 1129/DAK/BC/2000

Indonesian Advocates Congress Advocate License number: 013=06855/ADV-KAI/2017

Tax Court Legal Counsel Permit for Taxation number: KEP-1557/PP/IKH/2022

Tax Court Legal Counsel Permit for Customs and Excise number: KEP-1572/PP/IKH/2022