President Director

Indra G. Djunadi SST, ME, Ak., CA


Diploma III (D-III) :

Specialist of Accounting, Univercity of STAN (1996-1999).

Diploma IV (D-IV/S1) :

Specialist of Accounting, Register of Accountant, Univercity of STAN (1999-2001).

Magister (S2) :

Economic, University of Indonesia (2004-2006).

Magister (S2) :

Planning and Public Policy, University of Indonesia (2004-2006).

Length of work

3 th

Staff of Foreign Investment

2 th

Account Representative of Foreign Investment

2 th

Account Representative of Go Public Company

4 th

Head of Accounting and Taxation Department
PT. Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI)

9 th

President Director
PT. IGTax Ekuseru Indonesia

Work Experience

November 3, 2001 - May 31, 2004

Staff of Foreign Investment Tax Office - One (KPP PMA I)

June 1, 2004 s.d. July 19, 2006

Account Representative of Foreign Investment Tax Office (KPP PMA I)

November 3, 2001 - May 31, 2004

Staff of Foreign Investment Tax Office - One (KPP PMA I)

August 18, 2008 – June 1, 2012

Head of Accounting and Taxation Department (PT. Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI))

July 28, 2015 – Present

President Director (PT. IGTax Ekuseru Indonesia)

Professional License

Tax Court Legal Counsel Permit - KH-01386

Tax Attorney Permit - KHP-2055